![]() 11/17/2013 at 22:14 • Filed to: Why I love cars thank you | ![]() | ![]() |
I don't really know how to start this, so I'll just get straight to the point. You all saved my life, and definitely changed it and made if so much better.
I'm a Junior in high school right now. In about 7th grade I had almost no friends. Hell I had a lot of 'enemies'. Up until last year I've had countless people tell me that just my presence pisses them off. It was bad, and it took a toll on me.
The same year all this started happening, my uncle got me subscriptions to Car and Driver and Road&Track. For a year I didn't really read them, I always liked cars, but never loved them like I do now. But I did start reading them in 8th grade. Due to the love from others I received, I got extremely depressed. I tried telling my parents but they wouldn't fully understand how bad it was(apparently they couldn't hear me cry myself to sleep every night over something that happened that day) so they just got mad at me then did nothing about it. So my escape from the world was my car magazines.
Eventually those weren't enough to help me, I was becoming suicidal. I almost attempted it at least once a week. By now I had started to love cars because they were an escape for me, and I essentially became dependent on them. I started using this app Carbuzz, which was good at first but got overrun by trolls. I left it. But while on Carbuzz I learned about this website, Jalopnik.com. And that website was fully dedicated to cars, so I started reading the articles their to stop me from killing myself. And then I started commenting. All of you are so kind and helpful and respectful. Finally I found people who at least care enough about me to talk to me without making me feel like I don't matter. Even if I have never met any of you.
With this newfound care by all of you, I realized that there is purpose to my life. I worked to get better grades, and now I have all As and Bs(aside from an F but that's because of technical issues my teacher refused to fix) I have my Eagle Scout award, and I plan to go to Air Force Academy or University of Washington to study engineering and business. I plan to sell multiple inventions/innovations of mine to fund a start-up company. And I haven't even thought of suicide in almost a year now. All because of some people I never met were simply nice to me.
So, if in the next decade in a half you hear of a new car company called Rainier Motorsports, just remember you played a part in saving the CEOs life.
Also, every action has a consequence, be it positive or negative. And even if the action is simple and small, it can have a huge effect and change someone's life.
Thank you.
![]() 11/17/2013 at 22:21 |
I was in your spot too. I had no friends in high school and middle school. Just stay strong! College rocks, and you will meet people just like you, particularly in engineering(lots of car guys in there). Don't worry to much about making friends, it will just happen. Be nice, and people will think you are cool.
![]() 11/17/2013 at 22:24 |
Due to cars and the people inside the culture, specifically here, I was able to regain my confidence. I now have a steady girlfriend and a sort of apprenticeship building cars. I have a few friends now, but that's not important anymore to me. And thank you for your encouragement
![]() 11/17/2013 at 22:25 |
Middle school sucks. I am glad to hear cars have helped turn your life around! Its a topic that bonds many people together. How old are you now? I can't wait to hear what comes from Rainier motorsports!
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Its easy to get to those dark places, but youll see when you mature, as i see now, how silly it is to think in pemanent terms for a temporary problem. "This too will pass". Im glad car folk...the real ones are the salt of the earth imho...helped give you perspective. Dont stress about the now, just keep pluging away and life gets better
![]() 11/17/2013 at 22:26 |
Its easy to get to those dark places, but youll see when you mature, as i see now, how silly it is to think in pemanent terms for a temporary problem. "This too will pass". Im glad car folk...the real ones are the salt of the earth imho...helped give you perspective. Dont stress about the now, just keep pluging away and life gets better
![]() 11/17/2013 at 22:27 |
Jr. and High School really suck, but then college happens. Seriously buddy, you get to have a fresh start and meet people from all walks of life. And, for me at least, everything gets easier.
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Cars were also a great escape for me. They always make me smile, even if I don't own them. You got this baby! Push hard and get good grades!
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Same here. I started with Carbuzz which sucks now. Then I found Jalopnik and I've been here since.
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It's a shame what happened to Carbuzz
![]() 11/17/2013 at 22:32 |
Is this another Oppo Confessions night or something?
Damn. That's some heavy stuff.
You stay positive. I have dealt with Depression personally before, and I know how terrible it is. I was never as low as you were though. That's some scary stuff.
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I used to read/comment on Carbuzz, as well. Shame about the trolls.
Glad you made it out okay! I'm convinced that stark loneliness is the absolute worst feeling one can experience.
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it's cool to hear you are in a better place now .
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The thing about stark loneliness is that while it's literally one of the worst things, you really grow and mature from it
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Stay positive, buddy!
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Amen bro. I was always kind of a loner too. Even nowadays, I think I still have no more than two or three friends in real life which I haven't seen in 6 or 7 years, plus all the guys in college which I probably shouldn't count as friends, all that thanks to my "bombastic" opinions on a lot of stuff. In the end I just figured out I liked being alone if it meant being myself rather than being what other people didn't find offensive, and that's the thing here on Oppo, you can just be yourself and, as long as you're not a dick (according to Oppo's user's manual) people will respect you for it.
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Engineering and business are both pretty good things to study right now. I know a couple people who have gone from engineering programs straight to great jobs. Both UW grads. One other friend went from UW's Computer Science program straight to program at Amazon. He's not doing too badly. Making about double what I do.
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Absolutely. Having lots of friends is overrated anyway. Real friends—the guys who stick by your side and whom you can share anything with—are what's important. It took me until my senior year of HS to figure that out. Like others said, college is much better. It's more challenging, you know, because REAL LIFE and stuff. But it's way better.
![]() 11/17/2013 at 23:00 |
Well, it's really great to hear that things are going better for you now. I suppose I'm not that too different from you, don't get bullied but net plenty of crap from my family, and so far have succeeded at staying sane thanks to my passion for cars (why else would I be here), video games and great communities like Oppo (to be honest I have a lot of trouble fitting into society here due to my way of thinking). Sure, I still get told that all three are wastes of my time, but I suppose it's a better pastime than chanting catchy but meaningless political slogans like far too many people here...
![]() 11/17/2013 at 23:04 |
As a sophie in high school, who has just lost about 5 good friends over a girl who turned out to be using me, I understand your situation man :)
Glad that Oppo, and jalopnik as a whole were able to help you out!
Keep chasing your dreams, man and don't let anyone bring you down!
"Shit happens, you just need to shove through it, and keep on running to the top"
![]() 11/17/2013 at 23:56 |
When you become rich and famous from Rainier Motorsports can you buy us Oppoites rides? :P
Know that when you're dealing with adversary, there are ALWAYS others way worse off and that if you are persistent and persevere you will succeed and get over whatever difficulties you're encountering. And this will make you a much stronger, better person.
![]() 11/18/2013 at 00:20 |
This is great. I'm really glad we could help you out, and I'm also very happy that this is the kind of place where you can find kindness and humanity. This post made my night, so thank you.
I'm also in high school, but a sophomore. In 6-7th grade, I guess people didn't like me, but I didn't know it at the time. But at my high school, I have some close friends now. I'm glad you were able to find some buddies too :)
![]() 11/18/2013 at 00:33 |
Interesting fact about UW, Lamborghini works with them to study new composites that are cheaper and lighter than CF. Also their SAE team is ranked 15th in the world. Their car was pretty cool last year, it had a single cyclinder honda engine but only weighed like 500 pounds
![]() 11/18/2013 at 00:35 |
Here's their car from last year
EDIT: The photos aren't loading
![]() 11/18/2013 at 00:51 |
Yup, I saw that car. They do have some pretty cool stuff, as well as lots of big companies nearby to go work for after you graduate.
![]() 11/18/2013 at 02:58 |
"I plan to go to Air Force Academy or University of Washington to study engineering and business. I plan to sell multiple inventions/innovations of mine to fund a start-up company."
Interesting. I went to the Academy; flew for a while; helped develop the F-117, F-22, and F-35; sold some inventions; started my own company; retired; and now race my car for fun. If I can do it, you can, too. My Academy car was a Jag XJS, now I race a Caddy XLR-V.
![]() 11/18/2013 at 09:59 |
I don't wanna be a pilot, it would be fun but I want to be a technician/mechanic. But that's awesome, what inventions did you sell?